Hope Hicks is really going to miss her semester abroad at the White House …. or was it an internship? Fellowship? Actual job? Ah, sorry, she’s really going to miss her summer camp at the White House, now that she’s finally departed as 1600 Penn’s esteemed communications manager. And just like any final day at camp, she can’t help but get a little misty eyed thinking about her new buddies while Vitamin C’s classic jam “Friends Forever” plays in the background.
“You make all of these new friends, you barely get any sleep, and everybody leaves after eight weeks,” she explained on SNL. “Plus, there’s tons of cute guys there, and most are classic bad boys with crazy haircuts and breaking the law. They’ve all hit a girl!” But most of all, she’s going to miss her new gal pal for life, Ivanka: “It’s been like a never-ending sleepover. Like one when you wake up in the middle of the night and you open your eyes and you’re like, Is that my friend’s dad in the doorway? Is he just standing there watching us? And it was just that moment stretched out over three years! Hearts girl!” All that’s missing is some matching lanyards and they’re good to go.