The year 2018 has certainly lifted the veil on how some in the entertainment industry allegedly leverage their professional connections and power to further their pursuit of sex. Meanwhile, over on Sunday’s episode of 60 Minutes, porn actress Stephanie Clifford, who goes by the stage name Stormy Daniels, sat down with Anderson Cooper to discuss her alleged one-time affair with Donald Trump, during which he suggested he would love to have her on Celebrity Apprentice.
According to Daniels, the pair initially met during a Lake Tahoe celebrity golf tournament in July 2006. After Daniels reportedly spanked Trump with a magazine, the then-reality star allegedly brought up a potential constant spot on the his NBC show. “He goes, ‘Got an idea, honey bunch. Would you ever consider going on and being a contestant?,’” Daniels claims. “I laughed and said ‘NBC’s never gonna let, you know, an adult-film star be on.” She continues, “’No, no,’ he goes. ‘That’s why I want you. You’re gonna shock a lot of people. You’re smart and they won’t know what to expect.’” Interviewer Anderson Cooper asked in response, “Did you think he was serious, or did you think he was kind of dangling to get you to wanna be involved him?” Replied Daniels, “Both.”
A year later in July 2007, Daniels says, Trump allegedly invited her to the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles to discuss her possible involvement on the upcoming celebrity edition of Apprentice, which would go on to premiere in January 2008. When she arrived, Daniels says, Trump was watching Shark Week. After joining him for “an entire documentary about shark attacks,” Daniels claims she declined Trump’s sexual overtures and left. A month later, he phoned her to say he was unable to get her a contestant spot on Celebrity Apprentice. The pair never met again. You can read more about the interview here.