Hot off of making tons of money from remaking Beauty and the Beast, Disney has found a new way to make money off of Beauty and the Beast. Zooey Deschanel is playing Belle in a live performance of the Disney film, alongside Taye Diggs as Gaston (sure!), Jane Krakowski as Mrs. Potts (great!), Rebel Wilson as LeFou (hmmm… okay!), Kelsey Grammer as Lumiere (huh!), and The Voice’s Anthony Evans as the Beast, singing the song “Evermore” written for the live-action film (we as a world need to stop trying to make “Evermore” happen). Beauty and the Beast Live in Concert follows on the heels of Disney’s staging of The Little Mermaid last year. It’ll take place at the Hollywood Bowl on May 25 and 26. It won’t be televised, but will probably be available in seconds-long increments bootlegged on social media.