While Smallville actress Allison Mack has pleaded not guilty regarding her alleged role as a recruiter for the sex cult NXIVM, more damning evidence has piled up against her — and on social media, no less. As unearthed by People, Mack tried numerous times to convince Emma Watson to give her some time so they could discuss the “amazing women’s movement” Mack was involved in, as she believed Watson would “dig” its ethos. “I’d love to chat if you’re open,” Mack tweeted to her in January 2016, following up a month later with: “I participate in a unique human development and women’s movement I’d love to tell you about. As a fellow actress I can relate so well to your vision and what you want to see in the world. I think we could work together. Let me know if you’re willing to chat.” Watson never responded.
Mack also tweeted at Kelly Clarkson in mid-2013, although her cultish musings weren’t as pointed as what she sent Watson.
These tweets were sent over two years ago, and the replies to Mack’s messages to Watson were rife with warnings about her alleged involvement with NXIVM. As of now, she’s being charged with sex-trafficking and forced-labor charges, which could lead to imprisonment for the rest of her life. The court proceedings against Mack will likely begin on May 3.