box office gold

Avengers: Infinity War Had the Biggest Opening Weekend Box Office of All Time

Avengers. Photo: null/Marvel Studios

Maybe one day soon the Earth’s populace will experience the “Avenger fatigue” director James Cameron has been hoping for, but it sure as hellllllll didn’t happen this weekend! Raking in $630 million globally, Avengers: Infinity War officially had the highest-grossing opening weekend in the history of cinema. Marvel’s latest brought in $250 million in the United States alone, besting the previous record-holder, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which made just under $248 million domestic upon its release. All these tickets and the movie still, as The Hollywood Reporter points out, doesn’t come out in China until May 11. No pressure, China. This movie has literally nothing to prove.

Avengers: Infinity War Had the Biggest Opening Weekend Ever