All weird things must come to an end. In a statement posted on Twitter this afternoon, Jimmy Kimmel apologized for partaking in a feud with Fox News host Sean Hannity, admitting that, although “fun” most of the time, their public spat escalated to the point of an uncomfortable amount of “vitriol from all sides.” The source of the duo’s tension arose from one of Kimmel’s monologues on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last week, in which he mocked Melania’s Trump’s accent when she read to a group of children during the White House Easter Egg Roll. Hannity responded by blasting the “low-rated talk show host” and “ass clown” for attacking the defenseless First Lady, and it kept growing from there.
“I will take Sean Hannity at his word that he was genuinely offended by what I believed and still believe to be a harmless and silly aside referencing our First Lady’s accent,” Kimmel wrote, in part. “Mrs. Trump almost certainly has enough to worry about without being used as a prop to increase TV ratings.”
Hannity, who’s been silent on social media over the past two days, has been alerted to Kimmel’s apology. He said he’ll address it on his show tomorrow evening, so set those DVRs, you liberal media elites!