After 26 years of releasing his movies at Paramount Pictures, Lorne Michaels and Universal have announced a first-look production deal for their new comedy Baby Nurse starring Leslie Jones and Colin Jost. The film stars Jones as “a special agent assigned to the most humbling undercover role in the history of the FBI.” In addition to co-starring in the movie, Jost will also serve as an executive producer. Baby Nurse was written by Austin Winsberg, whose previous credits include Gossip Girl and 9JKL.
Michaels also inked a new agreement with NBC that is expected to keep him at Saturday Night Live through at least the show’s 50th season. SNL is currently nearing the end of season 43. Jones, 50, is just about to complete her fourth full season on SNL after having been hired as a writer in the middle of season 39 and this will be the comedian’s first leading film role, after having previously co-starred in 2016’s Ghostbusters.