Since being fired from NBC five months ago amid multiple sexual-harassment allegations, Matt Lauer has broken his silence. On Wednesday night, the Washington Post reported sexual-harassment allegations against Tom Brokaw, and additional allegations about Lauer’s behavior: One woman claimed that the former Today anchor exposed himself to her in his office and asked her to touch him. In response, Lauer gave the paper a brief statement: “I have made no public comments on the many false stories from anonymous or biased sources that have been reported about me over these past several months. I remained silent in an attempt to protect my family from further embarrassment and to restore a small degree of the privacy they have lost,” he said. “But defending my family now requires me to speak up. I fully acknowledge that I acted inappropriately as a husband, father and principal at NBC. However I want to make it perfectly clear that any allegations or reports of coercive, aggressive or abusive actions on my part, at any time, are absolutely false.” Next up, perhaps a trip to Charlie’s mansions or Olive Garden with Harvey?