In a world seemingly dead-set on proving everyone and everything is hot trash, there’s something unexpectedly touching about gratitude. Getting it in right under the wire, as it’s gonna be May in just a few hours now, the members of ‘N Sync got heartfelt on Monday while accepting their Hollywood Walk of Fame star, which you can watch at approximately 45:49 in the ceremony livestream above. Lance Bass thanked his LGBTQ fans for supporting him when he came out. Justin Timberlake praised all of their mothers for being there and taking care of their child stars. Joey Fatone shouted out his hot-dog company. They’re all sweet dads now, but in your adolescent heart, ‘N Sync will always be the nice one, the sensitive one, the hot one, the cute one and the other hot one. Or, if you’re not a huge ‘N Sync fan, you can skip over to to 32:52 and hear Ellen DeGeneres roast their lyrics as part of her introduction. To quote Ellen, “Congratulations to all of you, and Joey.”