
The Rock Is ‘Not Quite Sure’ If He’ll Be in the Next Fast and Furious Movie

Johnson and Diesel. Photo: Broadimage/REX/Shutterstock

The flames of the Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson–Vin Diesel feud appear to be burning on. In a new interview with Rolling Stone, Johnson elaborated on his issues with Diesel, and confirmed that, indeed, they were not in any scenes together in The Fate of the Furious. “Vin and I had a few discussions, including an important face-to-face in my trailer, and what I came to realize is that we have a fundamental difference in philosophies on how we approach moviemaking and collaborating. It took me some time, but I’m grateful for that clarity. Whether we work together again or not.” He added that he’s “not quite sure” if he’ll participate in a ninth Fast and Furious movie. Soon after, the shade got even darker. “I wish him all the best, and I harbor no ill will there, just because of the clarity we have,” he said, before changing his mind: “Actually, you can erase that last part about ‘no ill will.’ We’ll just keep it with the clarity.” For the sake of the family, someone needs to call an intervention!

The Rock Is ‘Not Quite Sure’ If He’ll Participate in Fast 9