Before he saved the world from large, speeding machines and before he turned into a sexy assassin with soulful eyes, Keanu Reeves was just a Wyld Stallyn from San Dimas, California, with his partner in inter-dimensional crime, Alex Winter. And today, 29 years after Bill and Ted’s first excellent adventure, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Reeves and Winter will be reprising the roles of Bill S. Preston Esq. and Ted “Theodore” Logan for Bill & Ted Face the Music, in which they will shake themselves out of middle-aged suburban malaise to save the universe with one perfect song. But they’ll have to write the song first, and in order to go from good songwriters to great ones, they’ll need to time travel and enlist the services of historical figures, legendary musicians, and of course, their daughters. Franchise creators Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon have written the script, and Steve Soderbergh is serving as an executive producer. The movie will be shopped around at the currently underway Cannes Film Festival. So party on (the Palais), dudes.