This weekend, we were blessed with the iconic sonic arrival of Raz P. Berry and his breakup revenge jam “The Night (I Watched You)” on SNL. Berry croons about following his cheating girlfriend, confronting her in a bar, and shoving all of her jewelry up his ass to teach her a lesson — only to discover that the woman he confronts isn’t actually his lady and he may need optometry help instead. (He peed in his hair, too. The man might also need therapy.) Hey, between his glasses and the dark ambiance and the foggy night, it could’ve happened to anyone, truly! But the inspiration behind Donald Glover’s character is even sillier, because it stems from an actual music video by R&B singer Oran “Juice” Jones from 1986. Except in this one, Juice succeeds in catching his gal and kicks her to the curb. It’s a lot bleaker.