Here’s a clip from last night’s Late Night, where Seth Meyers chats with Kathy Griffin about the controversial photo she tweeted holding a bloody mask made to look like Donald Trump’s severed head last year, the ensuing backlash she received in the many months that came after it, and the time Jim Carrey reached to her to offer his support. “I really did just try to make a statement, and I truly didn’t think people would think it was an actual severed head – like I’d go to a severed head warehouse or something. Also, I didn’t know I was just part of the Trump wood chipper,” she says. Thankfully, things ended up working out just fine for Griffin, especially when it came to her world standup tour: “So I called my standup agent and I said ‘This is a weird way to route a tour, but can you just send me to countries where they hate Trump?’ Two weeks later, I had 15 countries and 23 cities. It was heaven!”
Watch another clip from the interview below, where Griffin and Meyers talk about this year’s WHCD: “You guys, can you believe it? A year ago I’m under a federal investigation for conspiracy to assassinate the president of the United States, and then last weekend I get invited to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner!”