NBC released the results of its internal investigation following revelations that Matt Lauer sexually harassed multiple women at the company, and said it found no evidence that management knew of the Today anchor’s behavior. According to The Hollywood Reporter, NBC’s report found that no NBC or Today show executives or managers were made aware of Lauer’s conduct, which ended with him being fired for “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.” Per the report: “We were also unable to establish that any of those interviewed, including NBC News and Today Show leadership, News HR and others in positions of authority in the News Division, knew that Lauer had engaged in sexual activity with other employees. Every such individual credibly responded that they had no such knowledge.” Some witnesses admitted that they’d heard rumors about Lauer’s personal life, “but those witnesses believed, with limited exceptions, that the rumored extramarital affairs were with women outside of the Company.”
Lauer’s former Today co-host Ann Curry has said that she brought concerns about Lauer’s conduct to the attention of NBC executives in 2012, when a staffer complained about him. Lauer had admitted that he “acted inappropriately,” but continues to deny allegations that he was coercive, aggressive, or abusive in any way.