Here’s a clip from last night’s Full Frontal, where Samantha Bee breaks down the bizarre way women journalists rushed to Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s defense in the wake of Michelle Wolf’s very accurate jokes about her being a liar at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. “Feminism doesn’t mean you can never make jokes about another woman ever,” Bee says. “Look, I’m not saying Sarah Sanders doesn’t deserve the protection of feminism – she does! Though she’s not a feminist, which you can tell from the way she throws other women to the wolves on her boss’s behalf.” Bee does give credit where it’s due, though: “I salute you, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. You have outlasted every man who’s had your job and almost any other job in the Trump White House to become one of the most powerful women in the nation! You are a hell of a role model for little girls everywhere who are smart and hardworking and completely evil.”