Deadline is reporting that Steven Spielberg and Leonardo DiCaprio may be teaming up on a biopic about Ulysses S. Grant. This is great news for anyone who has missed seeing DiCaprio act grizzled and angry. The film is set to be based on the biography Grant by Ron Chernow, which topped the New York Times nonfiction best-seller list last year.
The duo last teamed up in 2002 on Catch Me If You Can. Though Spielberg reportedly would like to have DiCaprio play Grant (we assume because of his aforementioned talent for acting gruff), the scheduling might be tough. DiCaprio is set to star in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, an upcoming project from Quentin Tarantino. And for his part, Spielberg is working on another Indiana Jones and a new film version of West Side Story. So, like most old friends who keep meaning to get together, it will be a while before we see these plans materialize.