In February, Uma Thurman revealed how she was dehumanized “to the point of death” while filming Kill Bill with director (and frequent collaborator) Quentin Tarantino, during which she was forced to drive an old, “deathbox” vehicle at high speeds. She crashed into a tree while driving the car, resulting in numerous severe injuries. “The steering wheel was at my belly and my legs were jammed under me,” she recalled. “I felt this searing pain and thought, Oh my God, I’m never going to walk again … I came back from the hospital in a neck brace with my knees damaged and a large massive egg on my head and a concussion.” However, despite the years of trauma that followed her after the accident and an “enormous” falling out with Tarantino, Thurman admitted she would still work with the director again if the opportunity presented itself.
“If he wrote a great part! I understand him and if he wrote a great part and we were both in the right place about it, that would be something else,” she told EW. “We’ve had our fights over the years. When you know someone for as long as I’ve known him, 25 years of creative collaboration … yes, did we have some tragedies take place? Sure. But you can’t reduce that type of history and legacy. It would have been reduced to my car accident if I died.” She added that her “capacity to forgive exists” and “things happen.” Lucky for her, it appears Tarantino has two diverse projects on the horizon.