In a recent Hollywood Reporter interview, Jimmy Fallon described how “devastated” he was by the “gang mentality” of those who criticized his September 2016 Tonight Show interview with now-President Donald Trump, specifically the “humanizing” moment in which he playfully pet Trump’s hair. “Do you want to push me more?” Fallon imagined telling his detractors. “What do you want me to do? You want me to kill myself? What would make you happy? Get over it.” Well, Fallon is definitely not going to feel any better about the whole situation come Monday, now that the president of the United States has taken to Twitter to claim that “whimpering” Fallon called him to brag about the success of their interview.
Claimed Trump in a Sunday night tweet, “He called & said ‘monster ratings.’” In response to Fallon’s interview regret, POTUS concluded that the late-night host should “be a man.” Even more ironically, it turns out Trump shockingly hated having his intricate coif touched by human hands, complaining that Fallon “seriously messed up my hair.”