Ewan McGregor will be putting on his trauma-survivor hat for the upcoming Shining sequel, Doctor Sleep. Variety broke the news that McGregor has been cast as adult Danny Torrance in the Mike Flanagan–directed adaptation for Warner Bros. The studio had apparently been working on developing the project for a long time, but was never able to lock down a budget. (Variety reports that WB also owns the rights to Overlook Hotel, the Shining prequel, which has hit the same budget wall.) With the global super-success of It, however, the money faucets are open for more King properties. In Doctor Sleep, McGregor’s Danny has grown into an angry drunk trying to self-medicate the pain away and repress his shining abilities. But he cleans up and starts using his power to help people dying in a hospice center, and along the way meets a young girl with his same abilities who is being hunted down by a group of people who are also able to shine. Poor Danny. He jumped out of the frying pan only to land right in the fire.