From the Tonys to the Oscars, it’s a sacred Twitter tradition to riff on awards shows in real time. We all do it. Unfortunately, we aren’t all Neil Patrick Harris, who took to Twitter to inquire about that be-hatted lady hosting from the Tonys backstage. “Who is the woman in the top hat backstage at @TheTonyAwards?,” he tweeted, with notes. “Gideon remarked that she says ‘like’ and ‘oh my god’ a lot. I’m confused …” That woman in a top hat is none other than Crazy Ex-Girlfriend star Rachel Bloom, a woman who, more importantly, has apparently met NPH in real life. Oh, but that’s not all!
Tweeted Bloom, “I’m a big fan of yours. We’ve met numerous times and my husband, Dan Gregor, wrote for ‘How I Met Your Mother’ for 5 years. Notably, he wrote the episode where your character finally meets his father.” Because there is simply no way to come back from that, NPH replied, “Indeed! Well said. Thanks for the reminder. How was backstage?” There but by the grace of not being huge A-list stars with faulty memories go us all.
On the other hand, Bloom wasn’t the only part of the Tony Awards NPH had an issue with, and honestly, he sounds like he was sort of going through it during the entire show.