In Hollywood, it’s not just “who you know,” it’s also “who’s your unofficial godmother?” David Gordon Green is directing Blumhouse’s Halloween sequel thanks in part to creator John Carpenter, who loved the idea that Green and screenwriter Danny McBride brought to the table. But it sounds like Green also owes his Stronger star Jake Gyllenhaal a nice edible arrangement for passing along his résumé. Variety reports that Gyllenhaal actually put Green up for the job by recommending him to star Jamie Lee Curtis, who describes Gyllenhaal as her “unofficial godson,” and putting the hard sell on by calling Stronger “the greatest experience of his professional career.” From there, Curtis got on a call with the director and the two hit it off so well that she co-signed him for the Halloween job. (Curtis tells Variety he even reminded her of Carpenter.) So remember to always be polite to people, because you never know whose sort-of godchild you could be talking to.