Hugh Dane, the actor who portrayed Hank the security guard on NBC’s The Office, died May 16 at the age of 75. His former co-star Rainn Wilson announced Dane’s death on his social media Monday evening, praising the actor as “one of the greats” and posting a scene featuring the pair. “RIP Hugh Dane, aka Hank the security guard. He was one of the greats. So kind, funny, talented,” Wilson tweeted. “We will all miss him.” Wilson also directed fans to make any memorial donations in Dane’s honor to the Los Angeles Inner City Cultural Center. The center had previously posted about the actor’s death on May 26, along with information about a memorial service for the “loving husband, father, grandfather and friend.”
While perhaps most well-known for his Office role, Dane had a lengthy career as a character actor in film and television. In addition to turns in projects like Roc, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Friends, Boy Meets World, and Little Fockers, Dane appeared more recently on The Carmichael Show, The Mayor, and as the tall sea captain-esque man Melissa McCarthy vows to “climb like a tree” in Bridesmaids. The Office star Steve Carell added to Wilson’s Twitter remembrance of Dane on Monday. Tweeted Carell, “What a terrific guy.”