Up, up, and away Supergirl goes to a historic casting decision. Nicole Maines, a prominent youth activist who helped change state laws in Maine to allow transgender people to use their bathroom of choice, has joined the cast of the CW series for season four in a leading capacity. Per THR, Maines will be playing Nia Nal (also known as Dreamer), who’s described as a “soulful young transgender woman with a fierce drive to protect others.” (Also, she can predict when people will die. Casual.) There will apparently be many parallels between her journey to self-discovery and destiny fulfillment with Supergirl herself — we’ll just have to wait and see what those similarities will be. As for Maines? Well, she’s pretty damn excited: “AAAH YES IT FEELS SO GOOD TO HAVE THE CAT GRANT OUT OF THE BAG!!”