When Twin Peaks came to Comic-Con last year, David Lynch was not in attendance, but he did send an appropriately strange video message along to thank fans for watching the show. This year, as you might have guessed, Lynch missed the convention once again, but since he loves his Peaks faithful he did relay another greeting via the show’s executive producer, Sabrina Sutherland. There wasn’t a video, but Sutherland read a series of texts to the audience that said, “I am working with Phillip Jeffries to see if I can get there. Twin Peaks fans are the best fans. I got my days mixed up and I’m going to be there yesterday if not sooner. It’s slippery in here. In the Red Room, special agent Dale Cooper has already won the Emmy.”
In an alternate Comic-Con timeline, Lynch is probably on the stage right now taking fan questions, with absolutely no intention of answering them.