last night on late night

Michelle Wolf Has Some New, More Personally Devastating Insults for Ivanka Trump

Having declared this year Unhinged 2018 after being referenced in a recent GOP commercial, Michelle Wolf is back with some incivility for the Trump administration and beyond, including Scott Pruitt and Mitch McConnell. Insults, she suggests, should be more “life-alteringly hurtful” than the more general trash talk that’s been bandied about recently. “‘You’re a cunt’ doesn’t hurt them,” she declares on Sunday’s episode of The Break. “It’s on their vision board.”

What’s probably not on Ivanka Trump’s vision board? Being compared to vaginal mesh (“you were supposed to support women, but now you have blood all over you, and you’re the center of a thousand lawsuits”), herpes (“You’re not necessarily the most dangerous person in the administration but you’re very unpleasant, totally incurable, and you always show up when we’re about to get fucked”) and a tumor. (This one is just calling her a tumor. They’re not all super elaborate.)

Michelle Wolf Has a Few New Insults for Ivanka Trump