So, you might be aware that Sacha Baron Cohen and his new interview-style series, Who Is America?, will be premiering on Showtime this weekend. He already duped everyone from Sarah Palin to Joe Walsh into interviews thanks to some disguises and very specifically worded contracts, and while the teaser for the series hinted at multiple Cohen characters coming out to play, only one has been confirmed so far — Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick, proud purveyor of absurd American conspiracies. “Dr. Ruddick” was the man who interviewed Palin, who disputed in a Twitter message that he wasn’t a “war vet” as Palin claimed he introduced himself as, but rather “was in the service” after he “shot a Mexican who came onto my property.” He also demanded that she apologize to him, for reasons.
Because Twitter is passé and can only do so much with 280 characters, Baron — er, sorry, Dr. Ruddick — also unveiled a website for the good ole’ doc to expound on all of his reasonable, simple thoughts on American history. Head on over to www.truthbrary.org and you’ll soon be delighted with the following sections overflowing with conspiracies, should you choose to take on that odyssey: Crooked Hillary, Military Neutral Dust, Hillary Is Satanist Illuminati, Deceit at Pearl Harbor, Secret CIA Time Travel, and perhaps most intriguing, CIA Rock n Roll. (That’s not even half of them.) Come for the way too-large font, and stay for the oddly juxtaposed GIFs. It’s what the International Institute of Truth and Knowledge would want.