Who needs the final rose when you can pal around with a heavily disguised Sacha Baron Cohen instead. Bachelor alum Corinne Olympios — of “cheese pasta” and “platinum vagine” fame — has outed herself as the latest person duped by Cohen’s new Showtime series Who Is America? As the reality star remembers, she was convinced to participate in various segments that included a “child with gun thing” and an “uncomfortable interview-photoshoot,” under the guise that she was receiving a coveted reality star of the year award. “He played this crazy Italian man. He was screaming in a cheesy Italian accent the whole time, I was like, what’s this dude’s problem?” she explained in a new interview with The Daily Beast. While the filming began innocuous enough, Olympios soon grew uncomfortable with what the crew was requesting her to do.
“So I’m answering all the questions, I’m saying all the stuff he’s telling me to say, I’m visibly getting upset, and they were just trying to keep me calm basically,” she continued. “And finally I just got so upset and was like, What is going on here, this is really crazy, you guys are asking me really unprofessional things! And they were like don’t worry, you’re doing really great, and I was like, I know I’m doing great! You guys are the problem here!” Olympios also said that despite trying to leave the warehouse where they were filming, she was blocked from exiting. “I’m like, are you guys kidnapping me? I don’t get it. It was like, you’re holding me here against my will, what the fuck is going on? You guys are fucking out of your minds! … I was like grabbing every cameraman, like, am I going to die? Am I okay?”
Months later, when Olympios realized Cohen was behind the segment thanks to Showtime announcing Who Is America?, she was relieved and had a good laugh. But during that fateful day, she was anything but happy. “I started crying, I was like everyone’s going to think I’m a supporter of children with guns,” she reminisced, “and I said that I helped cure Ebola and that I went to Africa for three months, everyone knows I didn’t live in Africa for three months!” And by the way, she has no ill will toward Cohen at all. “I think he’s great,” she said. “I’m so excited to be a part of his new project.”