As its writers hinted to Vulture before, Zombieland is coming back for a sequel. The original cast of the 2009 movie, including Emma Stone, Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, and Abigail Breslin will return, The Hollywood Reporter confirmed, as will original director Ruben Fleischer. The movie is scheduled to come out in October 2019, in time for the movie’s tenth anniversary, and will depict the main quartet traveling “from the White House to the American heartland” and facing off against “kinds of zombies that have evolved since the first movie, as well as some new human survivors.”
Today is a mysteriously big day for zombie comedies, as Bill Murray, who played himself in the first Zombieland, has signed on for a separate zombie comedy with Selena Gomez, Adam Driver, Tilda Swinton, Steve Buscemi, and Chloë Sevigny. That movie will be directed by Jim Jarmusch, who will surely find a quirky new angle on the whole enterprise. Still, if every movie in Hollywood ends up being about zombies, count Bill Murray as patient zero.