We love a Saturday sonic surprise! Because swinging by Jimmy Kimmel Live! to talk politics and coffee tables wasn’t enough to fill his headline quota for the week, Kanye West decided to release a surprise new song “XTCY” in the wee hours of the morning. And the lyrics are … not for the average family. “You got sick thoughts? I got more of ’em / You got a sister-in-law you would smash? I got four of ’em,” he raps in the first verse. “If you don’t say your name then I won’t ask / She got a smartphone but a dumbass / I thought of all this on ecstasy.” As Rolling Stone notes, “XTCY” was originally meant to be included in his newest album Ye, but never made the final cut for unknown reasons. If you want to stream the song, you can download it from the WeTransfer link below.