Perhaps realizing that classifying all women involved in the #MeToo movement as “weak” and “attention-seeking” is an incredibly stupid idea, Lindsay Lohan is now “unreservedly” apologizing for the hurt she may have caused with her stance. “The quote solely related to my hope that a handful of false testimonies out of a tsunami of heroic voices do not serve to dilute the importance of the #MeToo movement, and all of us who champion it,” Lohan told People. “However, I have since learned how statements like mine are seen as hurtful, which was never my intent … I feel very strongly about the #MeToo movement and have the utmost respect and admiration for the women brave enough to come forward and speak out about their experiences.” Specifically, in her original interview with The Sunday Times, Lohan believed that “strong women” make themselves look weak by publicly accusing someone of harassment or assault. Just in case you forgot, Lohan also defended and felt “very bad” for Harvey Weinstein in the past.