Ruby Rose saw that cheerleading-tryout episode of Riverdale and wants to get in on the fun. Deadline reports that Rose will make her super-debut as Batwoman in the CW’s annual Arrowverse crossover event coming up in December, and will continue to fill the role in the stand-alone Batwoman series set to debut on the network next year. Based on the print canon established in 2006, Batwoman (real name, Kate Kane) is an out lesbian, and that will carry over into the new series, which is being produced by small-screen super-guru Greg Berlanti and written and co-produced by Caroline Dries. Rose’s presence should raise the chances for a quick series pickup, and if it goes forward, she would be the first out gay lead of a live-action superhero show ever. Not to mention, Rose as a loud and proud lesbian will be the gayest thing to hit the CW airwaves since the Riverdale High wrestling team.