on comedy

Colin Jost and Michael Che Have Zero Intention of Making the Emmys Political

Colin Jost and Michael Che. Photo: NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

When the Emmys air next month to reward all of those shows you definitely were planning to watch but never found the time to do so — oh god, how is my DVR so full — don’t expect to see the vigor of Seth Meyers’s Golden Globes or grit of Jimmy Kimmel’s Oscars when the ceremony actually airs. That’s because the evening’s hosts, Colin Jost and Michael Che of SNL’s Weekend Update, are intending to generally eschew political and #MeToo commentary for the sake of the TV, man. “It is kind of fun for us to do something that is not political,” Jost told Vanity Fair in a new interview. “The exciting part is to do things about television and that particular awards ceremony and make it, in general, less political than normal. There’s a lot to celebrate in television right now. It’s a very strong time.” Besides, Jost jokes, you never know what will happen in a few weeks’ time: “I think that by [the Emmys], people are going to be desperate to give men a chance, finally. It’ll probably be #HeToo by then.”

Colin Jost, Michael Che Don’t Want to Make Emmys Political