Oh what could have been! Over the weekend, Nicki Minaj took umbrage with Travis Scott — but, really, Kylie Jenner and baby Stormi — over what she perceived as his conniving plot to sabotage her quest for another No. 1 album by juicing his own album sales with tour-album bundles, which kept her at No. 2. Their one-sided feud nearly spilled over onto prime-time television when it was revealed earlier today that MTV, moonlighting as the world’s rudest wedding planner, attempted to seat Travis and Kylie directly behind Minaj at tonight’s VMAs. Thanks to the network’s meddling, we could’ve been treated to several cutaways of Travis burning holes into the back of Nicki’s head. But alas, MTV’s plan has been thwarted at the eleventh hour: TMZ reports that Travis has requested a last-minute seat change to “avoid bad optics” (not because he’s fearing for his life) and will now be sitting as far away from Nicki as possible, on the other side of the room, next to, ahem, Cardi B. Stir! That! Pot!