“Francis is dead.” We’ve seen Claire Underwood (Robin Wright) visit her husband’s grave, but the latest teaser for the final season of House of Cards is even more blunt about sounding the death knell on Frank Underwood, Kevin Spacey, and bad men alike. “The reign of the middle-aged white man is over,” Claire declares amid her first 100 days as president. There’s no more time for mascara tears. Claire’s out to expose Frank’s treachery: “Here’s the thing: Whatever Francis told you the last five years, don’t believe a word of it.” [Stares directly at the camera. Wink. Wink. Wink.] That’s right, Claire’s gone gangster (the Russian president’s correct words, not ours.) And no one, not even Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly), will stand in her way. “It’s going to be different for you and me,” she addresses the nation. Sayonara, patriarchy! House of Cards premieres November 2, just before the midterms.