If you woke up this morning and thought, “Why is Lindsay Lohan trending on Twitter? Could it be for a good reason?,” you should really know better by now. Last night (or early this morning, depending on your time zone), Lohan posted a bizarre saga to Instagram, reportedly while in Moscow, in which she trails and accosts what she claims to be a Syrian refugee family, accusing them of human trafficking. The encounter ends only after the family’s mother seemingly shoves Lohan to the ground. While the world sleeps.
Lohan livestreamed the encounter, which has of course since been uploaded to social media, which begins with her approaching a family sleeping on the sidewalk. “Hey everyone, I just want to show you a family that I met,” she tells viewers. “They’re a Syrian refugee family that I’m really worried about. They really need help.” After first asking if she can get them a hotel room, the video escalates to Lohan offering to take the wife and the couple’s son with her for the night, then just the children. “If someone is offering them a home and a bed, which is me at the moment, give it to them,” Lohan tells their parents. Unfortunately, she also affects a fake accent for most of the video.
The family eventually realizes Lohan has no intention of leaving, packs up their belongings and attempts to get away. The Mean Girls star chases after them, accusing them of “ruining Arabic culture,” ostensibly by not allowing Lindsay Lohan to take their kids to god knows where. “Look what’s happening,” she announces. “They’re trafficking children.” Later Lohan threatens, “I won’t leave until I take you. Now I know who you are. Don’t fuck with me.” The video ends with the children’s mother appearing to push Lindsay Lohan to the ground and Lohan crying. “I’m, like, in shock right now,” she says. “I’m just so scared.”