Monica Lewinsky isn’t done speaking yet. A&E and Alex Gibney’s Jigsaw Productions have produced a series that examines Bill Clinton’s impeachment and Ken Starr’s investigation, with the working title The Impeachment of Bill Clinton. According to The Hollywood Reporter, never-before-seen footage of Clinton and Monica Lewinsky will be included in the upcoming six-episode documentary. The series, directed by Blair Foster (Rolling Stone: Stories From the Edge), will also feature over 60 new interviews, including ones with Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Clinton of raping her.
THR saw an episode of the show featuring footage from Lewinsky’s new interviews with Foster and Gibney, and described her comments:
Lewinsky speaks frankly about betrayal (her friend Linda Tripp secretly recorded their conversations), of being in love with Clinton (she details how they would arrange to meet with the help of Clinton’s personal secretary, Betty Currie) and that fateful tryst during which she was wearing the blue Gap dress. She went out to dinner that night with friends, she recalls in the film, and no one commented that she had “stuff” all over her dress.
A&E’s Clinton show will premiere in November and air over three nights.