Though it isn’t obvious how queer longing and/or miniatures will be involved, Todd Haynes is directing a movie about one of America’s wealthiest families. Per Variety, Haynes has signed onto a movie about a family modeled after the du Ponts called Dry Run, which has a script from Mario Correa rewritten from a first draft by Matthew Carnahan. Mark Ruffalo is producing the movie with Patricipant Media, and according to Variety, he’s considering starring in it, though that hasn’t been negotiated yet. The du Ponts made their money off of gunpowder during the American Revolution and then later expanded into dynamite, paints, oils, plastics, and other chemical materials. The family is also famous for millionaire heir John E. du Pont’s 1981 murder of Olympic wrestler David Schultz, which formed the basis for the 2014 movie Foxcatcher. That film also starred Mark Ruffalo, who should really explain his whole fascination with this family at some point.