
Don’t Play This New Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Song for Any Aspiring Lawyers

Hey, you. Yes, you! You know anyone going into the law profession? Like, human rights, environmental, immigration, a small-time firm in Albuquerque? Do ‘em a solid and make them watch the video for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s newest song, “Don’t Be a Lawyer.” It’s a wee bit self-explanatory, but if you still need a hint for what to expect, allow us to direct you to this particular stanza: “I’m serious, it really, really, sucks! No one you work with looks like Ally McBeal! There are so many other professions that don’t turn you into Jeff Sessions! Just say no to the lawyer employer!” Congrats, the CW just save you $200,000 in student loans.

Don’t Play This New Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Song for Any Lawyers