Despite asserting earlier this month that he was going to retire his badge and leave Lethal Weapon — a.k.a., a surprising candidate for TV’s messiest show — at the conclusion of the midseason finale, Damon Wayans isn’t abandoning his Roger Murtaugh character as soon as we thought. Per Deadline, Fox managed to entice Wayans to remain on the series for two additional episodes, as the network upped its Lethal Weapon order from 13 to 15 episodes before the midseason break. Apparently, Fox was toying around with the idea of these additional episodes before Wayans announced out of left field that he was going to leave the show, so perhaps this will allow Wayans’s character to get a proper arc for his departure. “I’m a 58-year-old diabetic and I’m working 16-hour days,” he explained about his plans to leave. “So, I really don’t know what they’re planning but that’s what I’m planning.” First Clayne Crawford’s firing, and now this? Good luck writers, you’ll need it.