What, you thought a centenarian would have better things to do than demand the Supreme Court see her case about being portrayed as a “bitch” on television? Get your priorities straight, readers! Because Olivia de Havilland is back, and ready to defend her name in the eyes of justice! Per Deadline, de Havilland — despite being denied by the California Supreme Court this summer to review her case — is now petitioning the Supreme Court in her ongoing legal battle against Ryan Murphy and Feud. “We must persevere and speak truth to power,” she explained in a statement. “The fight is itself important to the principle of honesty, so much in need today in the face of deliberate public confusion for selfish agendas.” Specifically, de Havilland is demanding that the U.S. Supreme Court reexamine her case, despite what the California court ruled a few months ago.
This Feud feud involving Murphy and FX has been chugging along for well over a year now, which stemmed from the anthology presenting de Havilland, as her lawyers put it, in “a false light to sensationalize the series and to promote their own businesses.” She was also pissed off by Catherine Zeta-Jones’ portrayal of her, asserting that the actress damaged her “professional reputation for integrity, honesty, generosity, self-sacrifice and dignity.” There’s nothing like a dame, nothing in the world.