It was a non-stop party in the GOP locker room following Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice, and everyone from the turtle-y Mitch McConnell to the dozens of other White Men are ready to ralph until they boof in celebration! All those fellas and Maine senator Susan Collins, that is, whose support of Kavanaugh gave him one of the clinching votes he needed to assume the gig. “Oh please, the last thing I wanted was to make this about me, that’s why I told everyone to tune in at 3 p.m. so I could tell all of my female supports, psych!” she explained on SNL. “Listen, I think it’s important to believe women until it’s time to stop. I also believe that I’m a guys’ girl, okay? I can party with the big dogs! We’re gonna have fun tonight! We’re also gonna party like it’s 2020 when Susan Rice takes my seat.”