Thursday night Lucasfilm released new details about the upcoming streaming series The Mandalorian. The series will be the first live-action series for the Star Wars universe. Written and executive produced by Jon Favereau, The Mandalorian will take place after the fall of the Empire but before the rise of the First Order and follow a “lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy.” And who doesn’t love a space cowboy? It’s like a regular cowboy, but with space! Tonight’s reveal gave us a look at the actual Mandalorian himself, with his Mandalorian armor and some big Mandalorian guns, strutting his space cowboy stuff. Lucasfilm also revealed a very exciting list of directors for the show’s episodes, including Star Wars: The Clone Wars’s Dave Filoni, Jessica Jones’s Deborah Chow, Rick Famuyiwa, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Taika Waititi.