Any other week, your friends would be right to roll their eyes at your “Will Ferrell came to my house and we hung out and talked politics” story. This week, however, they should be extremely jealous, because Will Ferrell is canvassing door-to-door in support of Georgia’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. The Abrams campaign (and individual people who looked outside and saw, of all people, Will Ferrell) posted pics of the actor and his wife Viveca Paulin-Ferrell making the rounds, showing up to Kennesaw State University to sign up volunteers. The pair join other celebrities like Denzel Washington, Jada Pinkett Smith, Ben Affleck, and Meryl Streep who have reportedly supported Abrams’ campaign
“We keep asking ourselves, how can we help? What can we do locally being in California? Should we be knocking on doors?,” Paulin-Ferrell told The Hollywood Reporter about deciding to go to Georgia. “So we’re going to go knock on doors for Stacey Abrams. You never know in Hollywood if it helps or hurts, but we’re trying get out the vote and drive people to the polls.” So, if you can, please stifle your Anchorman impression. The man’s just out here, doing his civic duty.