Jackson Maine might have been unimpressed with the “butt song” that Ally sings in A Star Is Born, but Bradley Cooper is willing to put some respeck on those sellout bops. When Variety asked Lady Gaga and Cooper how they really felt about the song and Ally’s transition from rock singer to pop star, the duo was divided. “When we see her on Saturday Night Live and she’s singing a song about why do you look so good in those jeans, it’s almost the antithesis of where we started. That is relatively shallow,” Gaga said. Cooper disagreed: “I don’t necessarily view her music as superficial,” he said. “I think she’s performing with all her heart.”
Cooper, of course, is objectively correct, and Ally’s pop songs are good, despite what Gaga or Jackson Maine think. Bradley Cooper won’t grow out his Jackson Maine hair, or wear his Jackson Maine beard, or commit to speaking in his deep Jackson Maine voice, but his pop allyship is the next best thing!