Kuma Von Clifford, the original Stan from the Disney Channel series Dog With a Blog, has passed away at the age of 16, according to a story in Deadline. Kuma was rescued from a shelter in South Los Angeles by his owner, Sarah Clifford, who taught him 75 different tricks. His first role was in the 2005 TV movie McBride: The Chameleon Murder which was followed by appearances in 2007’s An American Crime and 2012’s Wrong. It was that year, 2012, when Kuma booked the starring role in the Disney’s Dog With a Blog, though he left the show early on and took the role of Grandma in Nick Jr’s Mutt & Stuff.
Clifford told Deadline that Kuma had suffered complications from a recent stroke. “Losing Kuma is the hardest thing I have ever gone through,” she wrote the oulet in an email. “He was my best friend and the smartest dog I have ever known in my 40 years of life. When the time came to say my final good-bye, I fed him his favorite foods, chicken and watermelon, which he ate with vigor until the very end.”