Yet again, Mariah Carey gets the last laugh. Though many will remember (and fondly, because you all are mean) her 2001 biopic-ish Glitter as a historic flop, her fans will not allow her legacy to be sullied by it. Sure, the film was … well, you saw it. But its soundtrack, though? Undeniably ahead of its time even despite it being an homage to disco (and, please, let’s not even try to deny her “I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On” cover wasn’t a bop). For years, the Lambily has demanded that the public put some respect on the Glitter OST’s name — 17 years later, justice is served.
After weeks of the hashtag #JusticeforGlitter going viral in anticipation of her newest album, on Wednesday, the Glitter soundtrack, which remains unavailable on streaming, shot to No. 1 on iTunes off the strength of word of mouth. No anniversary coverage or promotion from the label necessary. Just a pure grassroots effort from the fandom who might want to consider freelancing for political campaigns. And while Carey has said in the past that Glitter nearly ruined her, she acknowledged the force of her stans’ momentum, dedicating this week’s #tbt to Glitter and the fans that won’t let it fade from memory.