You ever think about how your job is very different from that of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson? For example, you might have to stay late one day to work on a spreadsheet. The Rock has to eat an entire Hawaiian pizza to carb up for stunts. Today, The Rock’s job was to eat a pizza, then pretend to punch people. “Got the glorious text from my strength & conditioning coach,” Johnson wrote in an Instagram post. “‘DJ, need a mid week carb up for your big scenes tomorrow. Eat a pizza and send me your pics in the morning.’” Johnson not only took a pic of his personal pizza party, he Instagrammed it, plugged his movie in the caption, and made sure the pizza place’s name and website faced the camera. That’s a professional right there.
Johnson said he loves “these midweek pizza carb ups like a drunk loves free peanuts,” and that a ham and pineapple pizza isn’t nearly his weirdest food preference: the dude puts tequila in his oatmeal. Whiskey I can understand, but hot oat tequila? The stars are NOT just like us.