Tom Baker was the OG favorite Doctor. The 4th Doctor, but the No. 1 jelly baby-offering, big scarf-wearing, manic-eyed freak. Now Baker is returning to the Who-verse with Scratchman, a novel he cowrote based on an unused story for the unfilmed 4th Doctor movie. It will come out January 24.
Scratchman is, improbably enough, about spooky scarecrows. But we can expect nothing less from a series that has made monsters out of mannequins, weight loss, and toilet plungers. In the novel, Baker’s 4th Doctor is joined by companions Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan on a Scottish island. There, they will encounter the aforementioned spooky Scottish scarecrows. No details yet have been released about what the scarecrows do, or how the action will undoubtedly be resolved in a disused quarry. Also, is K-9 going to be there? I love that robot dog.