During last night’s Late Show, Stephen Colbert welcomed back an extremely special guest to the show when Robert Smigel stepped out as his beloved Conan character Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. With O’Brien’s blessing, Triumph was allowed to hit the ground in Texas to do some reporting on the midterms for Colbert, where he attended events for Senate candidates Beto O’Rourke and Ted Cruz. “Tell me this, Beto, does it concern you that half your base thinks they can vote for you through Instagram?” Triumph asked O’Rourke. “This is the man! What’s Ted Cruz have that you don’t have? Besides the ability to regenerate his tail!”
As you might expect, Triumph’s roasting went up a few notches when he finally got the opportunity to chat with Cruz: “Ted, quick question! I have a preexisting condition that makes me vomit out of my eyes whenever I look at you. Is that in the GOP health-care plan?” “You can’t ignore me, Ted! I’m not overwhelming scientific evidence of global warming!” “Ted, is it true you will defend the Constitution at all costs except for when Donald Trump calls it ugly on Twitter?” At one point, Cruz attempts to beat Triumph at his own game when he says, “Just remember, it wasn’t the Republicans, it was the Democrats that took you into the vet to get fixed, and there is freedom on the other side!” To which Triumph replies, “Hey, I support spaying and neutering — just like Trump did to you!”