Dust off your fan theories, kids, because Breaking Bad is coming back as a movie. According to The Hollywood Reporter, show creator Vince Gilligan is working on a two-hour movie that their sources say “will be set in the existing Breaking Bad franchise.” There’s still a lot we don’t know, including whether any of the actors from the original AMC series will be returning, when in time it takes place, or whether the film will be airing on television or in theaters. What we do know, however, is that the project is codenamed Greenbrier, it will “follow the escape of a kidnapped man and his quest for freedom,” and, yes, it’s filming in New Mexico.
Update November 7, 2:55pm: Byran Cranston called into The Dan Patrick show and confirmed a Breaking Bad movie is in development stages. He has been in touch with Gilligan about it, but he has not seen a script yet. And while he would suit up again as Walter White should Gilligan ask him to do it, Cranston says he doesn’t know how much his character would be involved in a continuation of the story.